Arrangements of new training activities for auditors of ECO countries were discussed in Astana: Город Астана, 12 Сентября 2024 года - новости на сайте

Arrangements of new training activities for auditors of ECO countries were discussed in Astana

Arrangements of new training activities for auditors of ECO countries were discussed in Astana

Arrangements of new training activities for auditors of ECO countries were discussed in Astana

Issues of improving the professional level of auditors of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member countries and conducting relevant training activities were discussed at a meeting of the ECOSAI Training Committee in Astana.

ECOSAI unites the supreme audit institutions of the ECO member countries: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan.

Conducting joint training events allows auditors to exchange experience in all relevant areas, improve their professional level and improve their methods of conducting state audit.

As Nurlan Nurzhanov, the Member of the Supreme Audit Chamber, noted at a meeting of the ECOSAI Training Committee, continuous development of skills in the field of audit is especially important given the rapid changes taking place in the world.

"Auditors must keep up with the times, constantly study best practices and use them in their work," he said.

At the meeting of the Supreme Audit Chamber of Kazakhstan, a proposal was made to hold online trainings in 2025 on performance audit of water resources, IT audit and methods of applying artificial intelligence.

The participants also discussed in detail the results of previously held seminars and trainings for auditors, and reviewed plans for organizing training activities for the upcoming period.

Источник: Высшая аудиторская палата Республики Казахстан

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<p>Issues of improving the professional level of auditors of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member countries and conducting relevant training activities were discussed at a meeting of the ECOSAI Training Committee in Astana.</p> <p>ECOSAI unites the supreme audit institutions of the ECO member countries: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan.</p> <p>Conducting joint training events allows auditors to exchange experience in all relevant areas, improve their professional level and improve their methods of conducting state audit.</p> <p>As Nurlan Nurzhanov, the Member of the Supreme Audit Chamber, noted at a meeting of the ECOSAI Training Committee, continuous development of skills in the field of audit is especially important given the rapid changes taking place in the world.</p> <p>"Auditors must keep up with the times, constantly study best practices and use them in their work," he said.</p> <p>At the meeting of the Supreme Audit Chamber of Kazakhstan, a proposal was made to hold online trainings in 2025 on performance audit of water resources, IT audit and methods of applying artificial intelligence.</p> <p>The participants also discussed in detail the results of previously held seminars and trainings for auditors, and reviewed plans for organizing training activities for the upcoming period.</p>

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