On Strengthening Collaboration with Financial Institutions of the Republic of Korea: Город Алматы, 05 Марта 2024 года - новости на сайте gurk.kz

On Strengthening Collaboration with Financial Institutions of the Republic of Korea

On Strengthening Collaboration with Financial Institutions of the Republic of Korea

On Strengthening Collaboration with Financial Institutions of the Republic of Korea

From February 26 to 27, 2024, a joint delegation from the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market, led by Chairperson M.E. Abylkassymova, and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by Chairperson T.M. Suleimenov, visited the Republic of Korea with the aim of strengthening cooperation and expanding collaboration with financial institutions.

During the visits, a series of meetings were held with the leadership of financial institutions and regulatory bodies, including the Bank of Korea, Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Federation of Banks, Shinhan Bank, and BNK Financial Group.

Discussions covered the current state and prospects of the financial sectors of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea, opportunities for deepening relationships, as well as regulatory and compliance issues in the financial sphere.

The wide range of discussed topics formed the basis for developing a plan of further actions and reaching agreements on the signing of relevant bilateral documents in the near future. The successful implementation of these initiatives will provide a new impetus to the development of cooperation in the financial and banking sector and trade and economic relations between the countries as a whole.


External Communications Division

+7 (727) 237 1089, press@finreg.kz

Источник: Агентство Республики Казахстан по регулированию и развитию финансового рынка

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<p>From February 26 to 27, 2024, a joint delegation from the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market, led by Chairperson M.E. Abylkassymova, and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by Chairperson T.M. Suleimenov, visited the Republic of Korea with the aim of strengthening cooperation and expanding collaboration with financial institutions.</p> <p>During the visits, a series of meetings were held with the leadership of financial institutions and regulatory bodies, including the Bank of Korea, Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Federation of Banks, Shinhan Bank, and BNK Financial Group.</p> <p>Discussions covered the current state and prospects of the financial sectors of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea, opportunities for deepening relationships, as well as regulatory and compliance issues in the financial sphere.</p> <p>The wide range of discussed topics formed the basis for developing a plan of further actions and reaching agreements on the signing of relevant bilateral documents in the near future. The successful implementation of these initiatives will provide a new impetus to the development of cooperation in the financial and banking sector and trade and economic relations between the countries as a whole.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>External Communications Division</strong></p> <p><strong>+7 (727) 237 1089, </strong><a href="mailto:press@finreg.kz"><strong>press@finreg.kz</strong></a></p>

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